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I was hoping to go river rafting this weekend but it didn't work out. Hopefully I'll at least be able to go hiking. I've put more pictures up. A few are of funny notebooks. There's these little stationary stores everywhere and they're filled with all sorts of fun, random things. I keep picking up the funny notebooks (they're only about 50 cents each and I do use them). What? Did you guys think you were going to get normal souvenirs? No, you're getting socks, notebooks, and maybe a can of silkworm larvae (heat them first... duh!) haha!
I had my upper classes describe Korean dishes to me in English; everyone was sent into a fit of hysterics when I tried to pronounce the dishes myself. It was even recommended that I just go to Outback Steakhouse. Thanks!!! As more and more dishes were explained to me I was apparently mixing up their multi-syllable pronunciations and saying completely unintelligible things. In my defense, I always write stuff down when I really go out to eat!
The parents of my Chinese student gave me Chinese mooncakes today for the mid-autumn festival, cool! I'm all into the present side of teaching, for sure. :-) He has been my worst discipline problem but I have found that bribing him with the promise of playing hangman when his work is done has been helpful. He doesn't even realize that I'm secretly making him practice his spelling words. Muahaha!
Above's a picture of one of my notebooks and the convenience store I go to. More pics are on Flickr as always.
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